Iva's Story

Before I came to N Street Village, I was homeless for a decade, battling depression that started with the death of my mother. When I walked through the doors of the Village a year ago I knew I had found a family that was ready to welcome me with open arms and connect me with the resources I needed.

With the help of the staff at Patricia Handy Place for Women emergency shelter, I found employment and was able to move into Permanent Supportive Housing. That was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I had a home, I had a job, and I had a family again. For six months everything felt like it was falling into place. When the pandemic reached DC, I was not prepared. Like many people, I lost my job and was afraid of losing everything else I had worked towards.

Knowing I had the strength and support of the Village behind me, I refused to lose hope. I had battled loss before but this time I had the support I needed to keep going.

I have now been reemployed and I am so excited to be back at work. While this year has not been easy, it showed me that I have a family at N Street Village and one that believes in me.

N Street Village gave me the resources and tools to reclaim my life. I am so grateful for that and I know it would not have been possible without you – the Village community of volunteers, donors, and supporters.